Monday, February 05, 2007

Estoy Enferma. Tengo un infcción de mi garganta

As the title says here I am in the Canary Islands with the most stinking sore throat I have ever had. It seems to be going round the island and almost everybody here has had it. On the plus side we went to look a house yesterday that we really like, the only trouble with it apart from all the work that needs doing, is the price. The agency has it listed at 60,000€ but when we went round the place the owner said he wanted 65,000€. My big worry is that he has just upped the price because he saw to foreigners coming and thought
hmmmmm rich foreigners.....

So now I have a bit of a dilemma do I pay the 65,000€ and buy the house or try to negotiate which he didn't seem to be interested in yesterday.

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